This little flip-book introduces you to the most important properties of our LUOlighting system on ten compact pages. More detailed information you find in our LUOlight brochure that can be downloaded from here. [3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” id=”4003″ ][/3d-flip-book]
In the year 2010 a fascinating little device was introduced into the market that resembled Apple´s iPod in size and shape. This equipment did not play music but promised to be an all-around healer for depression-related diseases: it could get rid of winter fatigue, help with the effects of jet lag, and eliminate migraine later […]
LUO-light published in Häfele´s internal magazine
LUO´s “Best concept” innovation award at the Habitare fair 2018 was recognized in the latest edition of Häfele´s internal magazine that is ditributed internationally to all of Häfele´s branch offices. We are happy to have Häfele´s Loox technology integrated, many thanks also to Kai Tuohino for his valuable support and attendance at the fair.
Studies at the ETH Zürich show that Bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel. Read more….
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat mentions the new joinable light in an article about the recent exhibition in Pro Puu gallery in Lahti.
An interesting article about the effects of the wavelength on the human physiology and the excess of light pollution in public spaces that is encouraged by the versatility of the LED light source.