Our LUOlight placement tools for REVIT and ArchiCAD place the modules automatically.

LUO-light.lcf user guide
When installing the REVIT plugin a Windows´ SmartScreen warning might pop up in some cases just click “run anyway”

watch the REVIT video tutorial here
The 2D files in dwg/dxf format contain the LUO modules as blocks that can be easily moved into your drawings. |
LUO 2D drawings.dwg |
LUO 2D drawings.dxf |
LUO 2D drawings.pdf |
LUO 2D table version.dwg |
LUO 2D table version.dxf |
LUO 2D table version.pdf |
The 3D Blender model is prepared to be used with the cycles ray-trace renderer. For the textured 3D model please download the zipped obj file. This can be used in any standard 3D application.
LUO 3D model.dwg |
LUO 3D model.dxf |
LUO 3D Sketchup |
LUO 3D model.obj |
LUO 3D model.blend |
Interactive 3D-model |
LUO specifications and lux measures in pdf |
LUOlight brochure

Short user guide |